Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Document Cameras

Document Cameras
What is a Document Camera?
It is a real-time image capture devices for displaying an object to a large audience. Like an opaque projector, a document camera is able to magnify and project the images of actual, three-dimensional objects, as well as transparencies. They are, in essence, high resolution web cams, mounted on arms so as to facilitate their placement over a page. This allows a teacher, lecturer or presenter to write on a sheet of paper or to display a two or three-dimensional object while the audience watches. Theoretically, all objects can be displayed by a document camera. Most objects are simply placed under the camera. The camera takes the picture which in turn produces a live picture using a projector. Different types of document camera/visualizer allow great flexibility in terms of placement of objects.

How could I use it in the Classroom?
  • Real Time Video Projection Teachers can demonstrate/show a procedure to the class using the document camera and project it on the board.
    • (Ex: Science lab demonstrations, art demonstration, etc.)
  • Essay Papers – The teacher can place handwritten essay papers submitted by children under the scanner and review it out loud so that everyone can learn together.
  • Dictionary Skills – This device can also be used to enhance spellings in the classroom. The teacher can place an actual dictionary under the camera allowing the students to be involved in the process of locating words, understanding their meaning and learning the spelling
  • Whiteboard – Instead of using a whiteboard, the teacher can put a paper under the camera and write on that instead.
  • Reading/History Teachers can use this technology to share a book in a group reading session. The book can be placed under the camera and projected on the screen to allow everyone to see it. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, literally.
  • Document Projections Teachers can project a page of any book or paper to share with the class
  • See Video: 

Where can I find one?
There is a document camera available in each building.
**See your technology coach about using it in your classroom.