Tuesday, May 21, 2019

End of Year Tech Check! - Save the Files!!

Only one more Tuesday to go!

The year has surely flown by.  You have all done so many great tech-infused activities in your classrooms, that we want to be sure we have them safe and secure for next year!  Take the following steps to not be a victim of file-loss in September!

1. Save your Files - Your teacher machine & Surface may go through re-imaging this summer. Be sure that you don't have anything saved locally (e.g. on your Desktop).  All of your files need to be in your Z Drive on the network and/or your Google Drive to be sure they are safe. 

Let me know if you would like me to stop by and see that you have everything where you need it!

2. Archive Your Google ClassroomsStart with a clean slate next year, and avoid any unnecessary Ss comments, submissions etc over the summer.  You WILL still have access to the classrooms next year for reusing posts, etc. 

3. Get your To-Do lists ready. Google Keep and Google Calendar are great resources for planning out the start-of-year reminders.  Set yourself an alert for those first in-service days about the great ideas you have to improve your classes in 2019-2020!

Have a great end of the school year.  

Let us know what you need 
& any ideas you want to brainstorm for the fall.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

I have a worksheet, Now What?

I am teaching a new novel in 7th grade Spanish, so every day is a new adventure with new instruction & assessments.

For a formative assessment I found a quiz already made on a Google Doc by another Spanish teacher!  Woot!  Woot!   Although, I would like to put it on Google Classroom.

In today's post.  We are going to take a look at this worksheet/quiz and see the various ways that I can push it out to students digitally, assess and give feedback.

First thing first!  If it is a Word document, add it to your Google Drive and convert it to a Google Doc so there are more options for creating a digital assignment.

Level 1:  Print and Pass Out
Pros:  easy peasy   

Cons: one heavy schoolbag & feedback no earlier than 48 hours (every other day classes)

Level 2: Google Classroom - Copy for Each S - ADD BOXES

Note:  If you are having a student answer questions digitally do not use the underscore to create a line that they cannot write on!  Use a 1x1 table instead!
Pros:  no carrying around papers, no lost papers, can grade them as they come in, by adding tables formatting remains intact, only prep is adding in tables

Cons: time consuming to review & assess

Level 3 Option 1: Google Form 

Pros: answers populate in a Google Sheet for quick review, options to auto grade 
- Add answer key to form, have it look for key words or exact match answers
- Format answer spreadsheet to have cells change colors when words are matched 

Cons: more work upfront with form settings (the first time), need to copy and paste questions into the form, hard to give personal feedback 

Level 3 Option 2:  Pull Table by Alice Keeler

This option takes the boxes you made for your worksheet on Level 2.  Then, it pulls the answers into a spreadsheet much like a Google Form.   WAIT... there's more!  It also offers a FEEDBACK column where you can write comments on how they can improve their work!! Great for mid-project reviews!  You can pull the table at ANY time! Feedback that you write in the spreadsheet is now placed on top of the document!!! 

You type feedback in the spreadsheet for each student ... then VoilĂ  it appears on their worksheet!!!!

Pros: no need to retype document, quick review of answers, option to format the spreadsheet, quick and easy feedback that goes straight to the doc

Cons: as with all of our feedback, you need to give the students a reason to read it and act on it 

Interested on how to get them to read your feedback?  
Check out this post by Kristy Louden "Delay the Grade" 

Last thing last!!  Don't try to do it all at once.  See where you are, and do 1 step at a time.  
Personalized learning & Personalized goals.

Image result for one step at a time