Scenario 1:
Tonight's assignment:
- Read chapter 2 of The Red Badge of Courage
Tomorrow's reality:
- Class tries to have a discussion, but half of the population has not read the assignment and of those who have there are varying levels of comprehension.
- Teacher is stuck choosing a group to which to teach:
- Do I reread the selection with them, risking the advanced students to be bored and unchallenged?
- Do I teach to those who have understood the selection and leave the others attempting to catch up?
Scenario 2:
Tonight's assignment:
- Watch the video on Solving 2-Step Equations
Tomorrow's reality:
- Some students watched the video and took notes and are ready for class time application. Others were posting to Snapchat while the video was playing in the background.
- Teacher is faced with the decision of
- Showing the video again
- Lecturing on the content that was in the video
- Giving all students the same practice problems even though they are all at different stages in learning
This was how teaching used to be. Now with apps like EdPuzzle and ActivelyLearn teachers can easily make more effective use of class time while differentiating instruction.
Scenario 1 with ActivelyLearn:
Tonight's assignment:
- Read chapter 2 of The Red Badge of Courage in ActivelyLearn. You will have embedded comprehension and reflection questions as you read allowing you to interact with the text.
Tomorrow's reality:
- Based on the responses in ActivelyLearn the teacher groups the students for differentiated instruction
- Those who haven't done the assignment will now do it during class
- Those who need guidance will have teacher led or mentor led discussions
- Those who are above expectations can work on an extension activity or mentor others
Scenario 2 with EdPuzzle:
Tonight's assignment:
- Watch the video on Sovling 2-Step Equations on EdPuzzle. You will be stopped periodically to check for understanding. Feel free to rewind sections of the video that are unclear to provide the most accurate response. The last question will give you an opportunity to do a self-evaluation.
Tomorrow's reality:
- Based on the results of the EdPuzzle assignment, the teacher creates a stations activity where learners are challenged to figure out why each problem was solved incorrectly. Groupings are made so that there is a mentor learner in each.
- Students who didn't complete the assignment will be on a device finishing it.
- Teacher is now freed to pull those who need it for remediation.
Love EDpuzzle. It's my new favorite.