Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Student Choice Boards

... A platform to differentiate with technology

As one can see by this blog's index, there are a plethora of tech tools out there that meet the 21st century needs for teaching and learning.  So why are some teachers sill hesitant to incorporate them?

It is a risk.

We as teachers are hesitant to put all of our eggs into one basket by assigning everyone a tech-based assignment.

  • What if it doesn't work?
  • What if the results aren't what I expected?
  • What if I have students who lack access to technology outside of class? 
  • What if they get stuck and I can't help them?

Enter Choice Boards.... 

Student Choice Boards are not new to education.  They are a student-centered approach that embed differentiation & student ownership by allowing the learners themselves to select the ways that newly gained skills will be showcased to the instructor or alternate audience.

In the past student choice boards were a huge upfront investment.  All of the activities had to be decided upon, created, copied etc ahead of time.  There was little opportunity to be flexible and teach in the moment, or even make updates from year to year.

If we combine the technology with the student choice board, we lessen the workload & lessen the risk while gaining so much from our students.  I find this post very timely with current discussions in our buildings such as:
  • Giving quality homework
  • Allowing for redos/retakes
  • Differentiating for IEP & GIEP students

The Gist.. 

You give your students a 3x3 board of assignment choices.  Students are not  to complete all of the assignments.  They are to choose "x" number of them.  For example, my students choose 3.  One from each horizontal row, which are tiered by DOK levels.

Another great way is to have an assignment that you want everyone to do in the middle.  Then the students need to complete 2 more to create a Tic Tac Toe row.  (vertical, horiztonal or diagonal).

Add tech..

For the majority of boxes, you will use your tried and true assignments.   For a few boxes, put in an assignment where the students are creating with technology.   Be specific with a tool you have learned here on the blog or keep it open and allow the student to find a tool to meet the learning goal. 

You now have challenged a section of your students without intimidating others.  You have little risk, as there are a variety options available.  And, you have a small sample of tech-based assignments to review and evaluate for efficiency and effectiveness without disrupting your unit plan.

I know compared to my early teaching years this is significantly less homework to assign, but it is better homework.  Less homework also means more time for quality teacher feedback.  

My template..

This year both 7th and 8th grade Spanish have been using Student Choice Boards for homework.  
The format so far has looked like this: 
Top Row - Traditional Assignments 
Middle Row - Mini-Projects with an option for Tech
Bottom Row - Formative & Performance Assessments with Tech
(click HERE to make your own copy)


You don't have to fill all of the boxes right away.  Post the board as "view only" and add assignments as you go along. 

Feel free to add in a teachable moment, that may only pertain to this year or this group of kids.  It is easy to change next year. 

Ctrl K - Allows you to make any text a clickable link to a website.   Highlight the text in a box and link it to a URL that you want them to visit. 

Don't be afraid to leave a "Make Up Your Own" box.   Students may surprise you with their own great ideas. 

Give 3 deadlines.   Students can choose any assignment for each deadline.  This gives them opportunities for time management.  Do the larger assignment when their schedule allows for more time.  Do the quicker assignment when they are busy.   

Don't Do It Alone! 
Collaborate with your dept. for more ideas. 
Call on a coach for tech ideas that meet your learning goals. 

Other options for boxes:
- Create a fictional Twitter Profile or write a Tweet (keep character count)
- Create a meme

Why would you use a Student-Choice Board? 
Please share out in the comments below. 
Are you a pro? - Get your badge!


  1. I like that I can build as I go (this year it is a 2x2, next year it will be a 2x3 etc), and I can still use all of last year's stuff. I have also been known to allow some kids to just do the top row (this is normally IEP kids but it could be the kid that had his tonsils out). I allows flexibility without overwhelming me.
