Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Google Earth Projects

Last year the TechSpot posted about creating Map and Tour projects with Google.

The following applications were presented in the post:

Google My Maps - map with plotted points that offer media & text descriptions

Google Tour Builder - puts the separate points into a narrative sequence

Google Tour Creator - adds the VR feature to the project

Last week at the Pete&C conference, I was asked to talk about the above applications and offer 1 on 1 sessions for teachers as part of the Google Playground experience.

In preparing for the presentation I found that Google recently released a new version of the Google Tour Builder:

Google Earth Projects

Google Earth projects offer the best of Google Earth, while allowing the user to easily narrate a story, trip or adventure.

Google Earth projects, unlike Tour Builder, save to your Google Drive and allow for the collaboration inherently found in other Google Apps. Check out the intro video below to see how your students can start creating with Google Earth. Then, click HERE for a an online how-to guide.  Provide this link to your students who are creating their first project.

Not ready to have students start creating yet?  Want to see some examples? 
Check out Google Earth Voyager.  

There are many pre-made voyages that your class can explore and many come with pre-made classroom activities.

Have an idea for your classroom?  
Contact me and we can get you and your students off and running with Google Earth!