Tuesday, April 12, 2016

When it doubt, FORM it out!

Want pre-testing data?  Or an exit ticket?  How about a class survey?  Would you like to gather info for a department meeting?Don't forget those T-shirt orders!

Google Forms is allowing teachers to create digital questionnaires that provide real-time results and feedback.  Increase productivity while gathering data that was impossible with paper worksheets and quizzes.

How to make a form:

1. Go to: forms.google.com (log in with your smdutch.net acct)
2. Click the + sign to make a new form from scratch.

3. Start filling in the field boxes.
     a. Change the title of your form. 
     b. Type in your first question (don't worry you can rearrange them later, just drag 'em)
     c. Decide the type of response you would like.  (multiple choice, short answer, etc)
     d. Put in your answer choices.
     e. Decide if the question is required or not by clicking the switch.  (if on, students cannot leave a question blank)
     f. Use this menu to create another question, a header for a new section, instructions, add an image or a YouTube video.
     g. Change the style of your form, preview it and change form settings.
    h. Get the link for your form to post on your Google Classroom or class website.

Viewing Results:

The best way to see how the results will come in is to take the quiz or survey yourself.  Using the SEND (h) button, get yourself the link to complete a sample or a key.

To view your results, go back to your form (in your Google Drive or forms.google.com) and click RESPONSES.  Here you will see data in graph format as well as the ability to see each individual participant's responses.

Your results can be downloaded to a Google Sheet for easy grading or tallying.  (green button below) You can even have the results automatically graded for you with the Flubaroo extension.  (Send an email to a techcoach for more info on implementing Flubaroo).

Watch me make a form for you!  Click here.
(use your smdutch.net login for access)

View and respond to the same form.  Click here.

  • make a copy of your form for each period you teach
  • easily adapt forms for IEP accommodations
  • make changes that take effect immediately 
  • have your STUDENTS create a form for your class that accompanies their presentation, project or video


  1. If you need any sort of information from students or parents, this is the easiest route! They can fill it out at home or students can do it right in class. Even if you have paper copies, you can input the information into the form and it will save as an Excel file for you.

  2. I use a school climate survey every year with my students to gauge the success of my anti-bullying procedures. I had been hoping to make Kahoot to make it more efficient for me and engaging for the students, but now that I see this, I'm wondering if Google Forms is a better option? Any thoughts? They just respond to prompts on a scale of 1-5.
