Tuesday, May 3, 2016

3d Printing Math Style

180 - 160 = 20 days of school left

That is 20/180, 

which can tell us that we have 
1/9th of the school year ahead of us
to try some 3d printing.

The only variable that we have to account for yet is... YOU!

The world of 3d printing is complex and many waters are uncharted for core subject teachers.  However, this doesn't mean we cannot get our feet wet with a few simple ideas.

Idea #1: Math teacher is teaching formulas to calculate surface area & volume.
- Have the students each create a cube on Tinkercad.  (quick and easy activity)
- Choose a few students to have their cubes printed.
    * or alternately have a tech coach print you some samples.
- Use these cubes to measure and solve for area and volume.
- Have groups get together with the various cubes and compare the dimensions.

Idea #2:  Print a visual parabola manipulative to demonstrate slope. 
- Print this Parabola manipulative to demonstrate slope in Algebra class.

The .stl file that your tech coaches can print for you can be found here.

Idea #3: Print manipulatives for a visual presentation for fractions.
- Many ready-to-print manipulatives can be printed by your tech coach for use in your classroom.
- Find manipulatives that you wish you had more of.  Contact a tech coach to see if we can print them for you here.

Other thoughts: 

  • The end of the year is a great time to have students express their knowledge with a comprehensive project.  If you have a tech-savvy student who can go above and beyond the call of duty, use him as your guinea pig for the incorporation of new tech, such as 3d printing in your classroom.  Use a project you already have, and have him take it one step further using a design software like Tinkercad.

  • If you are looking for premade lessons / projects Autodesk ProjectIgnite is free and links straight into your Google Classroom.  The lessons are easy to follow can be used from Elem-High School levels.  Sign up for free and search the projects.  Eventually you as a teacher can create a lesson that your students can follow to make their own 3d printable files.

  • SMAHS drafting teacher Mr. Rieger has welcomed any pen/paper designs (complete with specs) to be sent to his drafting students.  They will gladly take your students' ideas and create a printable file with them.  In no time your students can hold their work in the palm of their hands.

Above all, you as teachers are busy.  Why not let the TechCoaches do the legwork for you?  Have a manipulative you would like printed?  Looking for a premade lesson?  Have a group project that would like to utilize 3d printing?  Let us know!  Tech Coaches aren't just for teachers, we can coach your students as well.

 Please keep in mind that starting small is the best option for exploring your ideas.  3d projects can take hours to print, and do cost money.  (e.g.  Having 30 models that do not have any long-term use or value is not ideal.)  Projects in groups and projects that bear continued use over time are encouraged.

You can Google many ready-made 3d printing files to gather ideas.  Here are some sites worth browsing:


28 other sites can be found here.

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