Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Google Classroom Assignment Preview

This week's post is for the Google Classroom teachers who "Create assignments".

Especially those teachers who "Make a copy for each student". 
The teachers who assign work, by making a copy for each student do so in order to become part of the learning process & journeyThey aren't as interested in only seeing the final product.  Feedback during the creation process is invaluable.  Students have the opportunity to act on the feedback before the graded evaluation.  Feedback prompts change, then in turn, prompts learning. 


(If you know what type of doc you are asking from your students, 
(doc, slides, sheet, drawing, etc)  
Consider at least making a blank template copy for each student.  
You will be able to see everything from the moment they begin work.)

Watching your students work in real-time changes the way we teach, but it can be discouraging waiting for each page to load to see their progress.  This delay may cause us not to "check-in" as often as we would like. 

As my 7th graders were working this week I came across this guy: the assignment folder.

This folder will take you to the assignments in Google Drive.  The difference between viewing assignments in Google Drive versus Google Classroom is the option to Preview when you right click.

Assignments can be previewed much more quickly than fully opening the page.  
You can hit the arrow to scroll through all of your student's assignments in less than a minute.
Open & load only the assignments for which you want to make comments.  Saving you time.


Preview is a time-saving option for checking in on your students periodically during a project.  By doing periodic reviews, you will certainly spread out the workload on your end making it less time consuming after the final due date. 

Please share your questions, concerns and experiences below! 


  1. I just used this Preview option to grade 27 Google Slides presentations. What a time-saver! Everything opens up immediately and you can scroll through each slide. I had Google Classroom open up on my Surface and added comments there to keep the process streamlined. Let me know if I can come and help show you how to do it before grading your next project!

  2. I had to wait until we finished the project to do this (I write too many comments when we are working) but it was so nice to put in final grades so quickly. I hadn't realized how much time I spent opening each file, but I cut my grading time in 1/2.
